Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 6-May 8th, - AC 187, AC188, AC189

OBJECTIVE: I will begin my newsletter about Why Hacking is illegal and unethical using the research from the Federal Government?
DO NOW:Why do you think it is important not to share passwords? Thinking about "my space" have you ever given your friend your password?Why would you not share passwords?Explain in 4-6 sentences. (4 minimum as ALWAYS!)Turn in 3x5 card daily for grade3
ASSIGN YOURSELF: Hacking Newsletter due on paper FRIDAY!--Color, etc.PAPER IS 
1) Do Now (15 minutes)
2)(1st period)Do again most were testing. Guided Practice-Review- Checklist with students-Call on students to read. 
Techconnect- Log in: ideamission/
3) Newsletter -Handout-(Tuesday)--Techconnect- Handout
4) Write a "Thank You Card" to one of your teachers. (One each day)Turn in daily for 2nd grade.
TURN IN DO NOW DAILY & THANK YOU CARDS! name must be on all assignments!!

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