Friday, April 24, 2009

OBJECTIVE; How to find the sale price? OBJ.1

DO NOW:  You go to Red Lobster's to eat and spend $125 and the waitress was great and you want to leave her a nice tip.  The general tip is 15% you want to leave a 20% tip ?

How to convert fractions
calculating the tip
3)  Complete these math checks

I WILL BE GIVING YOU paper to show your work and I will pick the work up for a grade, too!

After you are finished you can play your favorite math game.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

APRIL 22, 2009

OBJECTIVE: Take practice quizzes and screenshot your results to your blog.  These will be for a grade in the gradebook! Goal is to complete 3 in class.

DO NOW: Win a million practice Mean, Mode, Median
8.1.A  compare and order rational numbers in various forms including integers, percents, and positive and negative fractions and decimals;2-23-4,6-87-10,8-4
 8.1.B  select and use appropriate forms of rational numbers to solve real-life problems including those involving proportional relationships;3-43-6,8-18-2,8-38-5,8-68-7,8-912-7
 8.1.C  approximate (mentally and with calculators) the value of irrational numbers as they arise from problem situations (π, √2); and9-29-4,9-59-6,9-711-1,11-311-411-6
 8.1.D  express numbers in scientific notation, including negative exponents, in appropriate problem situations using a calculator.6-9

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

OBJECTIVE: Complete Objective 1&2 Notecards

FRONT OF CARD: Objective sentence & and question-

BACK OF CARD- Strategy -showing your work!!
(15 minutes)-Have them take out their 3x5 cards-Check them while they play review for ratios.

 Take out your flashcards
Grade out of 6 cards completed yesterday.

1)  Do Now-
2) Flashcards-Finish 3x5 cards over objective 1& 2


Monday, April 20, 2009

OBJECTIVE:Create Objective 1 & 2 flashcards- MUST COMPLETE 10 FOR OBJ.1 BEFORE END OF THE PERIOD !

DO NOW:  Turn off Volume Click on CHALLENGE TIMES TABLES LEVEL 3-12!   challenge times tables in level 3-12


1) Do Now- Using video links by subject-
2) Create flashcards using video links SEE MY EXAMPLES- for objectives
3) Objectives 1& 2-See Handout to make flashcards