Friday, February 13, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009


OBJECTIVE: I will be assessed on what I have learned about computer parts.

DO NOW; Review for quiz-Win a Million-Rags to Riches

Use the vocabulary list to create- pictures that represent what the word means & add the definition. I will provide paper for those who do not, the pages must be completely colored in.
1) Input Devices
2) Output Devices
3) Storage Devices
4) Communication Devices
5) Motherboard
6) CPU
7) Memory
8) em dash
9) en dash
10) smart marks

2) Take Quiz-Click here to take quiz. (20 minutes)
3) Finish This weeks powerpoint.--
4) Begin Next Week's Assignment- Standards in Keyboarding
5) Practice your typing speed in Techconnect -Typing Bites the DUST VOLUME OFF!
6) Learn2type test

February 12, 2009

OBJECTIVE: I will learn how to use powerpoint and review for my quiz tomorrow.

DO NOW; How can learning about powerpoint help me in the real world?

ASSIGN YOURSELF: "What's so Hard about Hardware?"--Powerpoint DUE FRIDAY !!

1) Do Now (10 minutes)-
I will be checking your process journal to see if you will be starting your powerpoint today. Those of you that have a completed plan will learn how to use powerpoint. Those of you who do not will be sitting creating a plan.
2) Learn-How to create a powerpoint (10minutes)
3) Design/Create-Use proccess journal
5)QUIA RAGS TO RICHES- (last 10 minutes)

February 11,2009, Wednesday.

OBJECTIVE: I will conduct research on the internet using a web browser to find the types of computer components.

DO NOW; How do you see yourself using a computer in the future?4-6 SENTENCES ALWAYS!!

ASSIGN YOURSELF: "What's so Hard about Hardware?"--Powerpoint DUE FRIDAY !!

1) Do Now (10 minutes)
2) Learn-Techconnect-Handouts-BRING TO CLASS DAILY!! (10minutes)
3) Investigate- Process Journal--Notes-->Computer parts  (page 1)
touch swivel(page 1)
4) Design-(Page 2)
5) Review-Vocabulary this week  (last 10 minutes)

February 10, 2009, Tuesday

OBJECTIVE: I will learn how the computer parts work together.

DO NOW; How can learning about the computer parts help me in the real world?

ASSIGN YOURSELF: "What's so Hard about Hardware?"--Powerpoint DUE FRIDAY !!

1) Do Now (10 minutes)
3) Investigate- RESEARCH & DOCUMENT ON YOUR Process Journal--Notes-->Computer parts
touch swivel(page 1)
4) Design-(Page 2)
5) Review-Vocabulary this week  (last 10 minutes)

February 9, 2009, Monday

OBJECTIVE: Explain how to create an e-mail

DO NOW: Take out your process journal and complete the last page-reflection-Rate yourself, the last portion your classmate will rate you on your blog-with a comment.

ASSIGN YOURSELF: AC142, "What's so Hard about Hardware-Powerpoint Due Friday

1) Do Now:-This weeks vocabulary (10 minutes)
2) Finish last week's email (10 minutes)-Demonstrate how to take a screenshot
2a) screenshot your email to your blog, or (10 minutes)
2b) post a reflection about your classmates email-that he/she has posted to her blog.  
Answer the following: First Initial & last name as always (10 minutes)


Opinion about students work -Are these Email Safety tips the most important for students new to emailing?  What are your suggestions about their email? Did they site their sources with the correct number of URL's?  Did they include the correct number of email safety tips?

2c) Turn in your completed process journal-Discuss last page-reflection (10 minutes)

3) Last 15 minutes-This week's assignment-> Techconnect ac142

This weeks vocabulary review