Friday, April 17, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2009

OBJECTIVE: Review for TAKS Objectives: 1,2,6

DO NOW:  Fill in the handout with your name & homeroom and continue working on your Math Objectives.


1)Do Now:  Write in YES for those objectives you have mastered this week in Math.  IF you know which objectives you have mastered in your other area please complete.  THIS is for a TEST grade.  I want to go over this handout in detail explaining which objectives you will be tested on until you graduate.  

2) Pearson Interactive Learning- Continue from yesterday's objectives.  Be sure to SCREENSHOT ONLY the last practice questions.

3)  Last 10 minutes:  Screenshot and answer "How can this handout be helpful to me in the future?  How could I use this handout ?

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