Wednesday, February 4, 2009


BEST CLASS WITH MY SUB TO  1) Accomplish 100% the email TO ME. 2) BEST BEHAVED, get donuts Friday.  It is only between Mr. Ceron's & Mr. Gulino's .  WHO WILL BE THE WINNERS??  This will require, integrity, interdependence and inquiry.  
Mr. Gulino, has Cherish that can be a leader and help others.  Mr. Ceron's class needs to have have someone step up and volunteer.  How can you do this quietly?? Use my blog and leave a comment.  Remember the greater mission 100%!!  Interdependence- requires everyone to work together.  I know Mr. Gulino's class understands INTERDEPENDENCE, Mr. Ceron's & Grazier's class have the ability, too.  I would love to hear I had a tie!!  Make me proud, I love you all!  See you Friday!!  I will see you manana!

OBJECTIVE: I will create an email about “Smart E-mailing"
DO NOW:How can you use email in your day to day life? (1 sentence & then go to win a million)

ASSIGN YOURSELF: Study for QUIZ tomorrow--Know your email safety tips!


DO Now-(10 min-ONLY!)-Review “Rag’s to Riches” Game- Win a Million

--Finish E-MAIL-(25 minutes)-Demonstrate-how to create email-SEE SCREENSHOT FOR DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS! 

Techconnect Typing (10 minutes) -Record your speed & Lesson in your DO NOW post (edit it)

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