Thursday, November 13, 2008

NOVEMBER 13, 2008

ASSIGN YOURSELF: QUIZ TOMORROW- Creating & using Frayer Model !

Objective:  Practice using the Frayer Model & using the drawing toolbars.
DO NOW: Summarize how does the Frayer Model help you understand more about the vocabulary words?

1.      (EXPLORE)Do now is being typed and posted to your blog.(10 minutes)

2.        EXPLAIN Frayer Model test tomorrow-- In Word--  Open your Frayer Model 2 & USE THE WORD: DESIGN, &EVALUATE, screenshot & post to your blog when you are done.

3.       EXTEND) Finalize your powerpoint project, upload to bubbleshare. (20 minutes)

4.      Typing in Techconnect

5.      BONUS TIME Feed the Hungry-

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