Sunday, November 30, 2008

December 1, Monday

Objective: Conduct Research on “privacy policies of several websites.  

DO NOW Read all of Learn(ac179) you have 15 minutes -to complete the handout before timer goes off!

ASSIGN YOURSELF: Rough Draft essay due tomorrow- 3 paragraphs.

Ac-179- 7th grade

MISSION THIS WEEK: Use a word processing application to write an essay about the importance of privacy in cyberspace and save the document as a Web page

1) DO NOW-(15 minutes)Ac179 Read all of Learn you have 15 minutes

2)Work on the mission (essay) Today gather the research that answers the bullets below. Rough draft-you should have at least 2 paragraphs before you leave today!!

3)Write the information on the paper provided.  So you can take home and get your rough draft done.

Cyber Smart has all the research information you will need for your essay.  Use the links below in Cyber SMART.

S-Safety & security online,
M-Manners, bullying & ethics
A-Authentic Learning and Creativity
R-Research & Information Fluency
T-Twenty-First Century Challenges

Use a word processing application to create a three-paragraph essay about the importance of privacy in cyberspace. Use the information you found in this activity as well as on Web sites. Be sure your essay includes the following key ideas:

Importance of anonymity in cyberspace
Examples of safe chatting behavior
Information found in privacy policies
Tips regarding how to keep private identity information private
Ways in which Web sites get information about users

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